The physical condition of Kurdish activist Rahim Rash has [drastically] deteriorated after insisting to continue his hunger strike after the 36th day while detained in Mahabad prison. Rahim Rash is now connected to IV tubes to receive nutrition. He is also receiving medical treatment.
In his trial that took place last week, court authorities banned his family from giving any interviews to the media. The authorities stated that if the media pressure halts after the end of his hunger strike, then Rahim Rash would be released. But he stated in the trial that his hunger strike will continue until he is released. Following the trial Rahim Rash was returned to prison. His second hearing is postponed until next week.
Rahim Rash was arrested on July 28, 2010 by security forces in Mahabad [in West Azerbaijan province] and began his hunger strike the next day to protest against the detention. According to his family, Rahim Rash was transferred to the prison clinic a number of times.
His family states that Rahim Rash was arrested by security forces on several occasions, and every time, he has launched hunger strikes that have lasted six, fifteen, or twenty days. In the past cases of imprisonment Rahim Rash was always acquitted because he was able to prove his charges unfounded.