Arash Sadeghi, a political activist and student was sentenced to six years in prison and seventy-four lashings. Arash Sadeghi attended Alameh Tabatabai University where he was a member of the…
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Mourning Mothers Visit Home of Neda Agha Soltan’s Mother
Archive photo of Neda Agha Soltan’s mother with a picture of daughter Report regarding the gathering of the Mourning Mothers with the mother of Neda Agha Soltan On Wednesday afternoon,…
Families of Executed Political Prisoners Face Uncertainty
Although forty days have passed since the executions of Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydariyan, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Hooli and Mehdi Eslamiyan family members are still uncertain of where their bodies have…
Khamenei brands Iran sanctions as ’confused’ act
TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday branded new sanctions slapped on Tehran as ”confused acts” which showed the helplessness of world powers in dealing with…
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran has enriched 17 kg of uranium to 20 percent purity, a top official said on Wednesday, underscoring Tehran’s determination to push ahead with its nuclear program despite new international sanctions.
Iransk polis har gett ut officiella varningar till 62 000 ”dåligt beslöjade” kvinnor i den heliga shiitiska provinsen Qom, som ett led i statens skärpta kontroll av kläder och uppträdande,…
Iran says has enriched 17 kg uranium to 20 percent purity
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran has enriched 17 kg of uranium to 20 percent purity, a top official said on Wednesday, underscoring Tehran’s determination to push ahead with its nuclear program…
Abdollah Yousefzadegan Transferred out of Solitary after 95 days
Elite student and winner of Gold medal in the National Literature Olympiads Abdollah Yousefzadegan has made a phone call to his family. In this phone call, he notified them that…
A Citizen Executed in the City of Zahedan
This individual had been charged with “rape” in the criminal court of southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchistan, and was sentenced to death. The exact date of this execution was…
Photojournalist Majid Saeedi Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison
Photojournalist Majid Saeedi had been arrested at his house on June 30, 2009 by security agents who also confiscated a number of his belongings. He was present at the court…
Zahra Farajzadeh Detained
RAHANA – Zahra Farajzadeh who is the wife of the Azeri activist, Ayat-Mehr-Ali Bigloo, was detained on June 19th in the 4th branch of Tabriz Revolutionary Court. According to Savalan…
Iransk rebelledare hängdes
Abdolmalek Rigi, ledare för rebellrörelsen Jundallah, avrättades i Iran på söndagsmorgonen, rapporterar nyhetsbyrån Irna. Han har dömts för rån och mord och avrättades genom hängning, enligt rapporten. Jundallah verkar i…
Mahabad: Hossein Nojavan Arrested 3 Others Summoned
Hossein Nojvan, a Bazaar merchant, was arrested by intelligence agents in the Kurdish city of Mahabad. There is still no word on his status or whereabouts. Additionally, on June 20,…
Majid Tavakoli & Several Other Prisoners Moved to Ward350
Majid Tavokoli along with an unknown number of political prisoners were moved to Ward350 of Evin Prison. Prison authorities have cut off phone lines in the ward citing the current…
Eight Students in Shiraz Arrested for Anti-Prophet Propaganda
On June 10, 2010, several students were arrested in the city of Shiraz and taken to the detention centre belonging to the Ministry of Intelligence. According to the students’ lawyer…
UAE closes firms violating Iran sanctions: report
DUBAI (AFP) — The United Arab Emirates has closed down 40 international and local firms as part of a crackdown on companies that violate UN sanctions on Iran, a newspaper…
An update from Tehran
Tehran, Jun. 21 – From the Grapevine…
Opposition supporters on Sunday chanted ”Down with the principle of the velayat-e faqih” (absolute clerical rule) during a protest in the Tehran-Karaj train, and there were clashes with a number of Bassij militiamen and intelligence agents inside the station.
Orumieh sees biggest anti-regime protests in months
The uprising of the Iranian people on the occasion of the Fire Festival is continuing in many Iranian cities. Orumieh, the provincial capital of Western Azerbaijan, has seen its biggest…
USA kritiserar Iran förreligiös
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – USA uttryckte växande oro på fredagen över Irans ”pågående förföljelse” av religiösa minoriteter, däribland bahaier, och uppmanade Teheran att skydda mänskliga rättigheter på hemmaplan. Utrikesdepartementets talesman PJ…
Iran planerar att avrätta 6 fångade i protesterna
Sex personer som gripits i december protesterna kommer att dödas, iranska myndigheterna meddelade måndag i vad som tycktes vara skarp varning till oppositionen inför en traditionell årlig fest. .Traditionen går…
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